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The Gathering 2023.05

Chiricahua Apache Nation council would like to keep our citizens informed of Nation business.  

Council members have been busy behind the scenes working to get our application and id process back up and running.  We will post on the website and social media accounts when those are live.  

The Chiricahua Apache Nation Council are dedicated to reclaiming our land, protecting our lands, obtaining more opportunities for our people, and strengthening our traditions.  

One direction we have chosen to pursue will be federal acknowledgement.  When the time comes, we will notify all citizens of the process and options.  

We are interested in hearing from citizens with ideas, any direction you would like to see us move, etc. Email those thoughts, ideas, concerns to [email protected]

We appreciate the patience of our citizens while we navigate these times.

Would you like to know about Chiricahua Apache Nation business before receiving the newsletter?  Check the website or follow our social media accounts!